Our Mission
The National Association for School-University Partnerships advances the education profession by providing leadership, advocacy, and support to create and sustain school-university partnerships such as Professional Development Schools to function as learning communities to improve student learning, prepare educators through clinical practice, engage in reciprocal professional learning, and conduct shared inquiry.
2024 Award Winners

News & Upcoming Events
Partnership Early Registration Package (Available through 7/1/25)
Check out our EARLY Registration Package for #NASUP2026!
The Impact of an SUP: Two teachers from Spessard Holland Elementary in Bartow, FL
Check out one of the highlighted Pecha Kucha style presentations from #NASUP2026.
NASUP Call for Nominations for Elected Positions
NASUP is pleased to announce that it is time to nominate members to serve on the NAPDS leadership team.
NASUP Seeks 3 Committee Co-Chairs
The National Association for School-University Patnerships is seeking three co-chair positions for the upcoming term.
SUP Themed Issues: Call for Guest Editors
The School University Partnership (SUP) editorial team is actively seeking proposals for 2026 themed issues.
NASUP Celebrates 20 Year Anniversary
Check out our video of special memories from the last 20 years!