2021 Themed Issue: Centering Antiracism

Volume 14, Number 4

Download the entire issue here or download the files separate files below. 

Front Matter

Table of Contents

Introduction to the SUP Themed Issue: Re-Envisioning School-University Partnerships with Antiracism at the Center
Shamaine Bertrand, Erin Quast, Kyle Miller

Working Toward Racial Justice and Equity in a Predominately White Professional Development
Terry Husband

#theWork Before Community-Engaged Teacher Preparation
Kisha Porcher

Unsilencing the Silenced Black Voice in Education Courses and Professional Development: Partnering with Educators to Create Equitable Environments
Laycee Thigpen, Anni Reinking

Re-envisioning Antiracism within NAPDS Nine Essentials: A virtual reading group project
Stacey Leftwich, Cathy A.R. Brant, William Rozycki

For and with the community: Forging a school-university-community partnership focused on civic engagement
Grace Kang, Ashley Mayor

School-University Partnerships is committed to advocating for collaborative ventures across the P-12 and college/university communities as vehicles for the discovery and sharing of knowledge that shapes educator leadership and best practice. For more information about SUP and its online, themed issues, please visit our website.