
NASUP Affiliates

California Association of School University Partnerships (CASUP) Website 

New Jersey Collaboration and Partnership Schools (NJCAPS)* Website

NJCAPS* is an ad hoc group within the New Jersey Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (NJACTE).

South Central Area Network for School-University Partnerships (SCAN SUP) Website
Southeastern Association of School-University Partnerships (SASUP) Website


NASUP Affiliates

California Association of School University Partnerships (CASUP) Website

New Jersey Collaboration and Partnership Schools (NJCAPS) Website

NJCAPS* is an ad hoc group within the New Jersey Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (NJACTE).

South Central Area Network for School-University Partnerships (SCAN SUP) Website

Southeastern Association of School-University Partnerships (SASUP) Website


NASUP believes that supporting regional and state school-university partnership organizations as affiliates of the national organization provides more opportunities for advocating for SUPs.  Together, NASUP and its local affiliates can provide stronger support for P-12 students, P-12 teachers, clinical faculty, teacher candidates and Institutes of Higher Education (IHE) faculty to meet the goals of the NAPDS Nine Essentials.

An affiliate of NASUP advocates for and uses the core values of NASUP,  as described in “What it means to be a Professional Development School.” The nine essentials described in the document provide the context for the work of the affiliate and the bond between the affiliate and the NASUP.  The affiliate and NASUP will promote a relationship of reciprocity for the mutual benefit of both.

Affiliation is intended for networking groups, teacher education organizations and PDS consortiums comprised of multiple universities and P-12 schools who are providing support, advocacy and professional development to PDS partners.  Affiliation is not intended for one university’s PDS network.  Groups and organizations interested in establishing an NASUP affiliate are advised to use the following outline for an application and submit to  The application will be reviewed by an NAPDS Committee using the scoring rubric. That recommendation will then be submitted for approval by the NASUP Board.  A notification of action by the Board will then be sent to the individual or group contact(s) responsible for the application.  The recommendation may result in one of three actions:  1) a granting of affiliate status with no conditions; 2) a granting of affiliate status with conditions; or 3) a denial of the granting of affiliate status.  Please visit the Affiliates section below for a list of current affiliates.


  • It is an expectation that affiliates will be represented at the annual NASUP Conference and will participate in the national organization (such as presenting, or serving on a committee or as an officer).
  • It is expected that at least two members of the affiliate’s leadership will maintain individual membership in the NASUP.
  • The affiliate’s materials (e.g., brochures, documents) will clearly indicate “An affiliate of the National Association for School-University Partnerships” and may use the NASUP logo only to identify itself as an affiliate.
  • Affiliate will have the link of the NASUP on its website and promote its annual conference.
  • The NASUP will have an Affiliate page on its website with a link to the website of each affiliate organization.
  •  The NASUP will list the local events of each affiliate on its website.
  • Every year the affiliate will submit a brief report, which should be a summary of the salient highlights and/or goals accomplished that reflect the nine essentials. This summary is due July 1.
  • On August 1 of each year, the affiliate will be billed an annual fee based on current fee schedule approved by the executive leadership.


  •  It will be expected that each affiliate will send a representative to the annual NASUP Conference each year.
  • The NASUP will schedule a pre-conference meeting for all affiliate delegates.
  • The NASUP will provide a meeting time during the conference for each affiliate to hold a meeting of its members.


The NASUP will support affiliate events and make an effort for an NASUP representative to participate in some manner.


Initially the fee to affiliate will be just $100. This fee will be subject to annual review by NASUP board of directors as appropriate.